| 1. | We look forward to welcome you for art 38 basel 我们非常欢迎您参观第38届巴塞尔艺术节。 |
| 2. | We look forward to welcoming you to our company 我们欢迎您加入我们公司,成为我们的员工。 |
| 3. | We look forward to welcoming you at the antares hotels milan 欢迎您光临米兰安他乐思酒店集团 |
| 4. | We look forward to welcoming you , as well as your valuable opinions 期望在艺术节中见到您们,亦欢迎您们给予宝贵的意见。 |
| 5. | We look forward to welcoming you , as well as your valuable opinions 期望在艺术节中见到您们,亦欢迎您们给予宝贵的意见。 |
| 6. | Thank you for your comments . we appreciate you taking the time to complete this questionnaire and we look forward to welcoming you back 谢谢您的宝贵意见和建议.我们非常感谢您抽出时间来填写此调查问卷,期待您的再次光临 |
| 7. | We look forward to welcoming you soon at him , hotel institute montreux - a hospitality education centre known worldwide for its top quality academic programmes 我们诚挚的邀请您加入我们的行列! him瑞士蒙特勒饭店管理学院-全球顶尖的饭店管理学术殿堂! |
| 8. | I would like to thank hainan world , our friends in the sanya government and our friends in the chinese triathlon sport association together with all of our sponsors for their support and we look forward to welcoming you back in hainan this november 在这里,我们要感谢海南世界,我们的三亚政府的朋友们和中国铁人三项运动协会的朋友们,以及对所有赞助商的支援表示感谢。我们期待著今年11月与大家再次相会在海南! |
| 9. | Food and beverage outlets that are guaranteed to satisfy any tastes . including elegant and noble lily restaurant hall and 20 vip rooms . 335 square feet ofcombined meeting and function space , all of which are best choice for holdinggrand banquet reception and convention as well . the hotel has complete entertainment facilities , including ktv , sauna , massage , billiards , table tennis room . you can be sure of complete relaxation in bothbody and mind with our advanced equipment and quality service . we look forward to welcoming you to the chamber of commerce club hotel 酒店设有中餐厅西餐厅行政酒廊大堂吧和风格各异的豪华餐饮包厢,并配备桑拿中心22个豪华ktv包厢棋牌室乒乓球室等康乐项目,另配有6个不同规格的大小会议厅,配备电脑网络系统和影音器材,网络遍及全酒店,是招商经贸洽淡交流新闻发布会的理想场所。 |